42 and Happy Birthday Doctor Who. Over four decades ago An Unearthly Child was broadcast in the aftermath of US President John F. Kennedy's assassination. I still have vivid memories of the Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks and The Pyramids Of Mars (circa 1974/75)!
It pays to search eBay listings. Early this morning I purchased a brand new 5" R/C Dalek (£29.99 inc P&P)! The 5" model from Character Options is a limited edition and its market value is higher than the 12" R/C. However, whether it is worth £75 is relative.
Character Options will be extending their 5" Doctor Who range to include the following:
*Pack 1 - The Tenth Doctor (in his 'signature' outfit with long overcoat and Sonic Screwdriver accessory.
*Pack 2 - Rose Tyler and K-9
*Pack 3 - Intergalactic Warlord, the Sycorax Warrior complete with two weapons.
*Pack 4 - A double pack of Lady Cassandra and Moxx of Balhoon
*Pack 5 - A Slitheen action figure - with extendable claws that can be slid out from its finger ends.
*Pack 6 - Radio controlled K-9 and Tenth Doctor double pack.
*Pack 7 - TARDIS console room playset. Six buttons control around ten sound effects plus chair, hat stand and lift-out access panels in the floor to reveal the TARDIS mechanisms and circuitry.
The granddaddy of them all, The Emperor Dalek, will be available exclusively from Toys R Us online.
Still wondering whether or not you should purchase the Character Walkie-Talkies? Don't hesitate any longer! The likeness of both the Doctor and Slitheen are superb and eclipse Hasbro's hyped methodology! Go on, you know you want to play with these.

Pop Princess Rachel Stevens (isn't anyone buying her excellent album?) is rumored to be in the Doctor Who franchise spin-off Torchwood with John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness). Torchwood is described as 'adult', not necessarily a positive connotation. Perhaps BBC PR should seek more articulate adjectives?
It pays to search eBay listings. Early this morning I purchased a brand new 5" R/C Dalek (£29.99 inc P&P)! The 5" model from Character Options is a limited edition and its market value is higher than the 12" R/C. However, whether it is worth £75 is relative.
Character Options will be extending their 5" Doctor Who range to include the following:
*Pack 1 - The Tenth Doctor (in his 'signature' outfit with long overcoat and Sonic Screwdriver accessory.
*Pack 2 - Rose Tyler and K-9
*Pack 3 - Intergalactic Warlord, the Sycorax Warrior complete with two weapons.
*Pack 4 - A double pack of Lady Cassandra and Moxx of Balhoon
*Pack 5 - A Slitheen action figure - with extendable claws that can be slid out from its finger ends.
*Pack 6 - Radio controlled K-9 and Tenth Doctor double pack.
*Pack 7 - TARDIS console room playset. Six buttons control around ten sound effects plus chair, hat stand and lift-out access panels in the floor to reveal the TARDIS mechanisms and circuitry.
The granddaddy of them all, The Emperor Dalek, will be available exclusively from Toys R Us online.
Still wondering whether or not you should purchase the Character Walkie-Talkies? Don't hesitate any longer! The likeness of both the Doctor and Slitheen are superb and eclipse Hasbro's hyped methodology! Go on, you know you want to play with these.
Pop Princess Rachel Stevens (isn't anyone buying her excellent album?) is rumored to be in the Doctor Who franchise spin-off Torchwood with John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness). Torchwood is described as 'adult', not necessarily a positive connotation. Perhaps BBC PR should seek more articulate adjectives?
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