Friday, 10 March 2017

Game of Thrones returns this July

HBO has announced Game of Thrones season 7 begins 16th July in the US and the premiere will be simulcast in the UK on 17th July.

The Facebook live announcement was plagued with technical difficulties. From connection issues to a block of ice taking too long to melt despite the use of flamethrowers. Invariably, fans took to social media to mock the faux pas. Perhaps keep it simple next time?

A short teaser trailer accompanied the announcement.

Season 7 is the penultimate series and will run for 7 episodes making it the shortest season to date. Returning cast members include Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey and Emilia Clarke. Clarke completed filming for her role as Daenerys before boarding the Millennium Falcon in the next Star Wars standalone movie at Disney.

Over the years George R.R. Martin's opus has gotten progressively darker and not everyone will come out of this alive. Winter is here.

What are you looking forward to most in Game of Thrones season 7? Let me know in the comments below.

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