Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Star Trek: Discovery has found its captain

Jason Isaacs has appeared in Harry Potter and Star Wars Rebels. His next memorable genre role sees him playing Captain Lorca in Star Trek: Discovery for CBS All Access.

The upcoming prequel series, which will be streamed by Netflix outside the US, should have premiered last January. However, the production has been beset by delays amidst fan fears the series would be mothballed despite the success of Star Trek on the big screen.

Bryan Fuller was initial showrunner on Discovery, establishing the story and mythology, before leaving the series due to other commitments.

“It’s important to get it right,” CBS chairman Les Moonves said. “Star Trek is the family jewels. We’re not going to rush it in. There’s a lot of post-production. But I’m very confident based on what I’ve seen so far.”

Despite the involvement of Alex Kurtzman. It's worth noting the new series is unrelated to the cinematic universe at Paramount Pictures.

A lapsed Star Trek fan. JJ Abrams' cinematic reboot rekindled my enthusiasm for the long-running franchise. Isaacs is an ideal candidate to fill the captain's chair and take his place alongside William Shatner, Sir Patrick Stewart, Kate Mulgrew and Scott Bakula.

Star Trek: Discovery is scheduled to premiere later this year.

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