Friday, 15 October 2021

Doctor Who: Flux

The official trailer for Doctor Who: Flux premiered during Jodie Whittaker's appearance on The Graham Norton Show. Such late scheduling excludes younger fans. Strictly Come Dancing would have reached more viewers during primetime.

The trailer offered a tantalising preview of returning monsters - Sontarans, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, and the Ood, as well as a range of new monsters, one of which is named Karvanista who looks like a Wookie from Star Wars or Barf from Spaceballs, take your pick.

Further to my previous The Trial of a Time Lord observation, the six-part Flux is trading on the franchise's storied history and also conjures comparisons to the classic serial The War Games, which culminated in the second Doctor's (Patrick Troughton) regeneration. Are we back on Gallifrey in the Death Zone or inside the Matrix?

Matt Strevens, Executive Producer, says: “I can’t wait for the audience to come on the Flux ride with us. It’s our biggest adventure yet with so many brilliant new characters to fall in love with. We had a blast making it.”

Doctor Who: Flux premieres on BBC One, BBC iPlayer, BBC America and AMC+ on 31st October.

Are you looking forward to Doctor Who: Flux? Let me know in the comments below.

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