Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Star Wars: Droids exclusive to Target

Hasbro has announced Star Wars: Droids action figures as part of Lucasfilm’s 50th anniversary celebration.

The Target exclusive features Boba Fett, C-3PO and R2-D2 in Kenner-branded vintage collection packaging. Each 3.75-inch figure includes a coin just like the original toy line, which briefly appeared on store shelves in 1985.

There's also a solitary premium 6-inch Black Series Boba Fett in animated series deco. However, Hasbro's missed a Star Wars Holiday Special trick here.

The Star Wars: Droids animated series was an afterschool favourite and spawned a range of colourful action figures and accessories from Kenner. Alas, by the time of its release in the mid-eighties, I'd outgrown 'childish things' and didn't collect any of them.

The Target exclusive is available on Hasbro Pulse outside of the US. I've already pre-ordered mine for toy photography on Instagram.

Star Wars: Droids is available to stream as part of the Star Wars Vintage Collection on Disney+.

Are these the Star Wars: Droids action figures you’re looking for? Let me know in the comments below.

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