Something Whovian this way comes. This weekend marks the 44th anniversary of a life-changing childhood trauma. Doctor Who has always been there in the darkest of times...
Doctor Who returns on BBC One, BBC iPlayer and BBC America this Halloween.
Series 13 spans six episodes and sees John Bishop (Dan) join Jodie Whittaker (Doctor Who) and Mandip Gill (Yaz) aboard the Tardis. The Flux, which brings to mind Dr Emmett Brown's flux capacitor from Back to the Future, has shades of The Trial of a Time Lord.
Flux is an apt metaphor as Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker and series showrunner Chris Chibnall are leaving Doctor Who ahead of the 60th anniversary in 2023. Russell T Davies is returning as showrunner.
The new series of Doctor Who premieres on BBC One, BBC iPlayer, BBC America and AMC+ on Sunday 31st October. This will be followed by three specials in 2022.
Are you looking forward to the return of Doctor Who? Let me know in the comments below.
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